Opportunities Beyond Carbon: Looking Forward to a Sustainable World
The book Opportunities Beyond Carbon: Looking Forward to a Sustainable World was launched in June at the Adelaide ‘Economy of the Future’ seminar. The book is published by Melbourne University Press.
The Sydney book launch seminar was held on Friday 10 July at the EBA's offices in Pott's Point. The Melbourne book launch seminar was held on Friday 17 July at Investec's offices on Collins Street.
‘Verily I say unto you: this is a new New Testament, containing hope of a planetary resurrection ... Read this book. Immediately. This book should be set to music and sung aloud by all policy makers.’
Phillip Adams, broadcaster, columnist.
The book aims to recast the debate on climate change from one of fear and problems to one of hope and opportunity. It contains a collection of essays from key politicians, investors, business people, activists and academics on how to make the most of the current predicament. The authors include the Hon Greg Hunt MP, the environment spokesperson for the Federal Opposition, Professor Sir David King of the University of Oxford, Bill Mckibben, the renowned American author, and Tenke Zoltani who works with Lord Nicholas Stern in London.
This fresh, lucid and practical optimism for the future offers a foundation for an entirely new and proactive attitude to climate change.
Opportunities Beyond Carbon presents climate change as potentially the ‘best crisis we ever had’. It maps the many opportunities for communities large and small, local and international, making the transition to a low carbon economy.
At the Adelaide launch, the book’s editor, John O’Brien said that ‘Media stories on climate change either focus on the dire consequences or on the ‘silver bullet’ scientific solutions. The community views the first as a reason not to get involved as the problem is too big and too remote in time and place. The second type of story also provides a reason not to get involved by telling themselves that “those clever scientist will sort it out for us!”'
‘By telling positive stories about beneficial changes made because of climate change, it will be possible to engage all levels of community and change the focus from one of fear to one of opportunity.’
‘The future visions provided in this book give cause for hope, optimism and celebration.’
The seminars feature some of the authors and provide insights into the science and regulatory status, the opportunities and solutions and how to secure the finance needed to pay for the transition.
Endorsements for the book include the following:
Ever since a former Astronomer Royal announced that “space travel is impossible” we have found ways to postpone the future. But there are much better things to do with carbon than setting it alight. This terrific book explores some of the most exciting alternatives—for a future replete with energy, sustainability and choice. Never before have the real possibilities been so interesting.
Robyn Williams, host of The Science Show, ABC Radio
By focussing on the opportunities rather than the challenges of climate change, this book provides an excellent platform to drive changes with tangible benefits for all. The breadth of opportunities covered gives hope that this will indeed be the ‘best crisis we ever had’.
Mark Lynas, author of Six Degrees: Our Future on a Hotter Planet.
The book can be purchased online from Melbourne University Press at www.mup.com.au/page/118