The inaugural Adelaide Cleantech Networking drinks were held on Tuesday 1 July 2008. Over 80 people attended the event and made the inaugural drinks a great success. Attendees included representatives of water, energy, waste, carbon and environmental services companies. There was also a good representation from the finance industry with companies attending from venture capital, private equity, stockbroking and financial services. Finally there were also people from Government agencies and professional services firms.
The sponsor for the evening was Playford Capital and the event was kindly hosted in the rooms of the Water Industry Alliance. Playford Capital announced a cleantech deal that they closed the previous week with Ember Technologies to enable them to commercialise their energy efficiency technology.
The next Adelaide Cleantech Network drinks will be held on Tuesday 5th August. If you are interested in attending or learning more of the Adelaide Cleantech Network please email acn@auscleantech.com.au.
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