Saturday, August 2, 2008

The Cleantech Cure for Climate Fatigue

A new challenge for those fighting the effects of climate change is on the horizon - ‘climate fatigue’. Each day the public is bombarded with terrifying prognoses for the future that they and their forebears have created.

Many people are understandably confused about the possible effects of climate change and feel an inability to make any meaningful difference. They sense a lack of control and eventually fear will give way to resigned boredom and the distractions of more immediate and local issues. So, ironically, as media exposure on the issue of climate change increases so too does the danger of climate fatigue.

Yet it is essential that individuals and their communities do stay motivated and engaged with the solutions to climate change – it is not enough simply to rely upon scientists and politicians to alleviate the consequences. Cleantech provides the solutions that will deliver both global and local benefits and ensure the community engagement is maintained.

“Climate fatigue” may be compared with the well documented phenomenon of famine fatigue. As news of ever more famines continue however, the length and depth of compassionate feelings reduces until there is tendency to accept famines as unavoidable.

Famine fatigue or, more generally, compassion fatigue occurs fastest when the suffering is far removed. Climate fatigue is no different, as shown by Putin’s retort that Russians are unlikely to suffer from a slight rise in temperature, and the effects of climate change are often seen as a problem belonging to the distant future and far flung places of the world. However, recent Australian weather conditions – both floods and droughts – have focussed many Australians on the immediacy and relevancy of the problems created by climate change. Extreme weather patterns elsewhere, such as the US and parts of Europe, have had the same effect. Enthusiasm for change is high, both here and abroad, and fatigue has yet to set in.

To harness this enthusiasm and secure its benefits requires two aspects: firstly, local benefits must be visible to communities so that the benefits of change are clear; and secondly, networks and forums must be established to facilitate new connections and enable new collaborations. This is where cleantech comes in.

Focusing on local benefits whilst also delivering part of a national or international solution is not easy. It requires collaboration and understanding between business, investors, academia, all three tiers of government and most importantly the general public. Providing a forum to have these conversations is a vital first step to delivering the greatest benefits from changes that are going to be required as a result of climate change.

One example of this first step is the recently formed Adelaide Cleantech Network. This brings together all of the disparate groups and enables discussions to start on wider more ambitious solutions.

By changing the story from one of worry to one of opportunity, cleantech alters the whole dynamic of climate change. It is a twist on the concept “think global - act local” which has historically been seen as taking local detrimental actions to achieve global benefits. Instead this is thinking about worrying global events and turning them into an excuse to deliver local benefits.

By focussing on how cleantech solutions can deliver local, as well as global, benefits and by starting new conversations and collaborative relationships, we have the opportunity to make climate change seen as the great motivator to a better world.

This is an extract of the full article that was first published Environmental Management News. For a full version of the article please email

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