Monday, August 24, 2009

Adelaide CleanTech Network drinks - Tuesday 4 August 2009

5:30 until 7:00pm
at the Thomson Playford Cutlers’ offices at
Level 7, 19 Gouger Street, Adelaide

To be added to the distribution list for future events please email

The August 2009 event included:
- a short presentation on the how the Australian Institute of Commercialisation and the Clean Energy Innovation Centre can help South Australian cleantech companies

- 2 minute pitches from four growth companies looking for investors, partners or just wanting to announce company developments. The companies that pitched at this event were:

- WattWatchers - energy and emissions home monitoring system -

- Lumenite - luminscent lighting equipment -

- COPROH - large scale biosequestration and land rehabilitation

- Cogen Microsystems - small scale distributed solar/gas hybrid cogenration systems -

The following companies have pitched at previous Adelaide Cleantech Network events:

- Flinders University Materials & BioEnergy Group - Nanomaterials for Stormwater harvesting

- CleanFutures - biosensors for Nitrates, Phosphates and Sulfites -

- Acquasol Infrastructure Ltd - large scale solar thermal/gas hybrid power and water generation project -

- Open Energy - demand management systems -

- Seadov - second generation wind turbines -

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